The online-service for copyright protection

We help authors automatically find and remove pirated content from the Internet

(E-books, video-courses, software, etc.)
Stop losing customers and profit. Remove pirated copies from the Internet.
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What does the illegal distribution of your info-products lead to?


Loss of clients and profits

You are losing clients and profits due to the fact that your info-products are being given away for free

Loss of passive income

You are spinning like a hamster in a wheel, making money from selling new products, instead of receiving passive income from your existing products

Disappointed clients

Your customers become very disappointed when they find products they have purchased in free access.

Less visitors

Popular pirate resources are shown first in search results by your product name and taking away your visitors

Decrease of partner motivation

Partners are unlikely and unwilling to promote your products

Joint purchases

Your customers arrange joint purchases for your products and distribute them to others, knowing that this is unrestricted.

Who this is for



You create and sell your content over the Internet (books, video-courses, trainings, seminars, etc.)

Copyright holder

You have exclusive rights to the content of other authors (online school, training center, publishing house, etc.)


You promote content of other authors on the Internet and get a commission from sales


Oksana Dolinka


30 days quality guarantee.
We will return you a money if we do not achieve a result.

Frequently asked questions

We do not block links to download the product, but we ensure the complete removal of the publication from a pirated resource, which eliminates the possibility of content re-uploading.
We apply the same procedure to the joint-purchase sites as to the other pirated sites. Namely, we send a complaint to the owner of the joint-purchase site and its hosting provider. We also apply to the search engines to remove links to these sites from the search results.
Our services are provided all over the world, as they are carried out through direct interaction with site owners and service providers. When content is removed from the site, it is inaccessible from any location.
Yes, we also block links to download pirated content from Telegram channels.
In this case, we can send a claim to the owner of the pirate resource and its hosting provider. If they do not stop the violation on their own, we will remove the links to their resources from search engines.
We can send a claim to the social network support service and achieve blocking the offender's account.
The main goal of any advertising is to attract visitors to sell a product. In case of pirate distributions, when your products can be found for free, this tells people that you do not care about protecting your products, which means there is no point in buying products from you, since they will also appear in free access very soon or can be purchased on pirate resources cheaper.
Copyright arises from the fact that the product was created, not from the fact that the rights to it are registered. Documenting the rights to the product is not required to confirm authorship. In order to declare your authorship, you just need to indicate yourself as the author on the cover of your product or on your website. Additionally, you can also 'deposit' your product in one of the copyright services, which can be done very quickly.
In this case, we remove links to a pirate resource from search engines, which makes it difficult for users to find pirated content.
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Stop losing customers and profit. Remove pirated copies from the Internet.
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